Sunday, January 25, 2009

Byers Lake Cabin #3

All loaded up...

Hiking into the cabin about 6pm

Maren hitches a ride

Hanging out in the cabin

Reading Harry Potter (of course!)

Maren's "office" on the top bunk

Sadie set up shop on the other top bunk

Saturday AM hike

Marker brought up the rear...the waaaaay back!

Sadie LOVED the lounging in the sled.

Dogs did a lot of this in the cabin

Goodbye Cabin #3

Back to the truck

An Idea

Keys go in here...

Whipped Creme

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Snake Charmer

Fun with Big Pot 2

If I had waited and kept taking pictures before posting you would see how this seemingly harmless idea got out of control. Before I knew it they had soup ladles, towels of all sizes, ziplock bags full of water and plastic fish, wet clothes, Sadie's socks floating in the pot, all clothing off...
another ice day calls for extra creativity!

Fun with Big Pot 1

Ice school.
Get creative!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


With lots of help from her sister, Sadie is walking! She surprised me last Friday when she followed me down the hallyway to her room, walking all by herself! She is walking more and more every day, but still relies on the old crawl for serious speed.

Sledding at -13

Maren met some of her buddies from kindergarten for some sledding at the peak of our recent cold snap. The tempoerature read -13 when we left the house. About six hardy Alaskan kids showed up and took runs down the sled hill in between cups of hot chocolate in the chalet. The were tough and they had a ball!

Goin' Fishin'

Bohemian Waxwings

The gypsies of the bird world have arrived! Bohemian Waxwings are small songbirds that live rather irregular lives, traveling throughout the state and showing up in tiny groups or flocks of up to several hundred in places where the food supply is plentiful. These tiny nomads are recognizable by their crested heads and their buzzy, high-pitched twittering calls. From a distance they may look rather plain, but if you take a closer look you will see that they are quite beautiful. Their faces are decorated with an elegant black mask with a surrounding wash of reddish feathers. The rest of their bodies are covered with soft, velvety gray feathers, a chestnut patch under the tail, and a few splashes of color on the wing tips. The tails have an edge of bright yellow, as if they had just dragged the tip through a bucket of fresh paint. They are called waxwings because of the bright red drops of waxy material that form on the tips of the secondary feathers and tail. Unlike many songbirds, males and females have the same plumage.
Bohemian Waxwings are birds of the forests and muskegs and can be found throughout Alaska except for the far north. In the summer they nest in conifers. They are very acrobatic hunters, expertly darting from their perches or circling through the sky to catch tasty morsels, like dragonflies and other insects on the wing. At this time of year the waxwing’s food of choice is berries. As the berries start to ferment, the birds may sometimes become intoxicated. There have been many reports of erratic flying and tipsy behavior of these little bohemians.
---from Diana Brann Wildlife Radio

Them boots were made for walkin'...

Pink cowgirl boots from Grandma-the walking is sooooo close!