Launched our first Tot Treks adventure today on a beautiful sunny day in Kincaid Park. The trekkers aptly named our adventure "the expedition."

Trekkers stopped to forage for berries and we identified cranberries, bunch berries, rose hips and devil's club berries. We referenced our handy wildflower book to check what would be best to touch and best to leave alone. We read "Blueberries for Sal" and my trekkers turned into baby black bears.

Trekkers chose their own trails and made many observations along the way. We found 3 moose beds in the grass and called them "moose rooms." We made guesses about why trees fell down and sections of trail broke away (strong wind and mice digging holes). We observed a hawk and a squirrel battle over space in a tree. The kids were absolutely silent. We followed a cricket and listened to the birds sing. We mimicked their sounds and flew down the trail.

We arrived at "Sandland" and digging ensued. We gathered sticks and arranged them. The sticks turned into a fairy ladder.

It beckoned to be decorated. We found natural objects for decorations and then the magic began. The sand turned to fairy dust. The dried yarrow was magical and the rosehips became the pixies favorite decoration.

They added alder cones and horsetail and cottonwood leaves and continued to sprinkle with pixie dust.

A fairy stew was concocted.

The trekkers imagined what the fairies would do when they found the magical ladder. They wondered how surprised a hiker would be to wander upon such a thing. I am sure they'd be amazed.
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Love it!
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