Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Lab in the Mountains

Charlie, Sadie and I headed up to the Arctic Valley for some marmot-chasing and bluberry picking. Charlie did A LOT of running.
Sadie got tired of picking and told me, " I'm just going to lay down and watch the sky."

Can you find Charlie? He covered some serious ground.

Me and my tired boy.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Lab Run

Charlie and Jupiter took a lab run together. It was Charlie's first experience loose-since he has been with us. Also, his first date with a friend. He had a ball. 90 lbs of constant motion.

He was such a good boy. He came back to me each time I called him.

The water was his favorite.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

State Fair Day

We spent the day at the State Fair today in Palmer. The petting zoo and the chicks are the biggest hit.

The rides are always exciting too.

It rained cats and dogs all day. We were soaked. We tried to distract ourselves with giant turkey legs, creme puffs, deep fried peanut potatoes and roasted corn on the cob, but it was pretty wet and chilly being poured upon non-stop. Of course the girls didn't complain a bit.

The girls rode the ponies and we called it a day. Fun day at the fair in the rain!

Friday, August 27, 2010

The First 24

Charlie is settling in. He made himself comfortable on our bed and the livingroom couch last night. He seems to like his new dog bed too. 90 lbs. of lab in your bed is just too much dog. Charlie and Sam have met and are getting acquainted. Sam likes to sneak attack from behind and Charlie does not seem to care.

Charlie proceeded to pass out after he pulled me down the coastal trail on my run this morning. This boy needs some serious leash work. You wouldn't know it from this picture.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The New Boy in our Lives

Meet Charlie. Our new 2.5 year old, 90 lb. black lab.

Saw his mugshot on the muni animal control website and kept returning daily to look at it. Finally Sadie and I made the visit in person. We brought him home today and we've known him for about 8 hours.

We love him already.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Field Trip

Ms. Teresa took the 2/3 class up to the mountains for a day of blueberry picking (My kind of field trip!). It was a beautiful day and we found lots of berries.

Sadie made friends with Ellie, a third grader,who was just so sweet with her. They had a great time together.

Maren ran around on the hillside making things with sticks and leaves and string.

Goofy girls!

Sleepy girl.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Stick Pony Stampede

Line-up at the start

This just looks like trouble to me. Guess who they are watching?

Here she comes!

And off they go again!

Maren Wears Pink!

Maren chose her own outfit for school.
I think she is so stinkin' cute. Sadie too.

Up on Craigie Creek

We took the Subaru four-wheelin' up Craigie Creek with the Goves. Gorgeous valley with berries and lakes and old mining roads to hike. Ours is the blue tent on the right.

Autumn in August