Thursday, October 28, 2010

Three Years Old

One year

Two years

And now our girl is three.
Happy Birthday Sadie Rose.


Scenes from a 3-Year-Old Birthday Party

Crafting wacky pumpkins

bobbing for marshmellow ghosts

and decorate your own cupcakes...

FUN, Fun, FUN!

Halloween Costumes

The Mom from Outer Space

Mini Michael Jackson

The devil

Happy Birthday to Sadie!

The festivities started by 5:30am. I heard Sadie creep down the hall whispering, " It's my birthday." She came into our room in tears, " There is no birthday- no balloons, no presents."
I directed her to the playroom where she discovered a birthday and screamed!
Meet Honey Rose.

MJ shirt!

Color-your-own-cupcakes are a HIT!

Couch Potatoes


Such focus and determination...

with very specific ideas about how the jack-o-lantern will turn out.
