Thursday, August 09, 2007

Big Sister In Waiting

Today we picked up a bassinet for Baby Duffy #2 from a friend.
Maren was very eager to bring it in and set it up.
Maren's baby sister, Heart, fell fast asleep.

When Heart wakes, Maren brings her to me for a nursing
( and yes, I indulged her). I explain to Maren that the burping
is next and Maren burps better than a nursemaid.
Maren tucks baby sister back in and "cozies her up."

A gentle goodnight kiss on Heart's head...

Maren reads Heart a story about a bird family.

Maren drew this picture of her baby sister
sleeping in the bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is an adorable bassinet but baby duffy #2 will not be in it for long........He/she might have to move over for Heart to be there too...........