Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Fuzzy & Blurry

Maren noticed that both David and I had grey tops and black pants on this morning- "same-same." She offered to take our photo. When I saw the photo, I said, "oh well, not a keeper," but then I realized how well it captures this post-birth period. Everything is hazy, blurry, fuzzy and hard to negotiate and no, we haven't been drinking! We walk in circles a little bit and we have to be careful not to trip over whatever it is that is all over the floor. I can't do all the things I used to do to be prepared and organized and ready. Most of the time I am on my bum, nursing Sadie (although I am getting much better at nursing and making toast or nursing and helping Maren get dressed!) So I embrace the blurry fog we are in and welcome it- it brought us Sadie.

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