Saturday, March 15, 2008

Date Night- Our House

What a wild night we had! We had 4 four year olds, 2 almost two year olds and little Sadie here for date night. All 3 sets of parents showed up, dropped off kids and told us of their plans for the evening and David and I stood there, with all the kids thinking-- you are really leaving us? They really do great together- very little disagreement. First we feed the big ones, give the small ones little snacks (not enough room at the table) and send the big ones outside with David for major wildness. I had a scavenger hunt dessert for the big ones and they had to find plastic colored eggs, read the clues inside to find a basket full of frosting and sprinkles. (see pictures below) I made sugar free cupcakes- with banana, yogurt and applesauce and let the kids apply their own sugar--no fooling them, only two actually ate the cupcake part. They had a ball figuring out the clues and finding the eggs! The little ones followed the big ones from room to room looking for clues, totally mimicking the older ones , but the little guys had no idea what was going on... just follow and do what the big kids do! They found the "treasure" in the oven and it was fascinating to watch the big kids fight the desire to find the prize against the basic common sense that you do not touch a hot oven!! Give a kid a plastic knife full of icing and never ending spinkles and it is pure joy! So big kids outside, little kids at table eating cut up grapes, cheese, noodles, etc. Sadie in my arms- I am one handed- she is just taking it all in. Then little kids suited up for outdoors (Sadie is left on the couch to fend for herself for a few moments) and out they go like small penguins waddling out to their families, not quite steady in their bundled up bodies. David has all the kids running, climbing the snow pile, wrestling, pulling each other in sleds...there is nothing but snow in the backyard and I am thinking, what are they going to do back there, but David keeps them busier than I could ever have imagined. Thank goodness for Dads. By this time Sadie is close to loosing it- 45 minutes past her bedtime- and I throw on some audio stories on the computer and lay out the coloring supplies in preparation for kid re-entry from outside. I sit for two moments of quiet to nurse Sadie. In they come, one by one, shed their cold, wet clothing like a second skin, wherever it lands and start all over again inside. I have the room strategically set to encourage quiet, peaceful play, but the outside energy makes its way in and the noise level rises...luckily Jill and Kevin to the rescue! First parents arrive post date, then the next and finally the third. It is heaven to see more of our kind, the grown up kind. Then comes the great chase, an escalation of energy here for everyone, parents and gathering up children and belongings, the house feels like a beehive buzzing with activity- children swirling and avoiding their parents reluctant to leave, younger ones crying and squirming out of snow suits as they are prepared for a quick exit. Attempts are made at pleasant adult conversation only to be trumped by youthful meltdowns and we all realize it is every man for himself , little room for adult family escapes and the others follow and suddenly our house is quiet. Expecting some sense of relief, it somehow feels hollow and empty, all of the vibrant energy and motion sucked out the front door. We sit still with no words and no clue of what to do now. Exhaustion quickly sets in, David and I look at each other and recognize the how are we going to do this expression on each other's faces...there are still two kids to put to bed, a kitchen full of dirty dishes, toys all over the floor, the aftermath to contend with. Sadie and Maren get put to bed and we know the mess will still be here in the morning and I collapse into bed muttering how tired I am, something about a new day tomorrow. And now another date night under our belts, we are grateful that we have families to share our lives with, but mostly we look forward to our turn to get out.

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