Friday, July 02, 2010


June 1997- July 2010
Ellie passed on today.
At thirteen years of age, her many ailments became too much and we let her go. She was my first girl. My parasite-ridden, heart-worm infected bag-o-bones found her way into my life in 1998. After a long fight to get her healthy she enjoyed a long, adventurous life. She climbed many a mountain, hiked many a trail and ate anything she could find- a true scavenger. I used to hold her in my arms on the futon and I'll never forget coaxing her into our little casita in Santa Fe with sliced ham. She had two true loves in her life, first Bill-my sister's dog and then Marker. They were quite a pair-one afraid of dogs and the other afraid of people. She ran away from us many a time- usually when it was time to load back up in the truck. She got porcupined and brought me dead field mice. How I hated the get the dead mouse out of the dog's mouth before work game every day. She was very good with our children, but her separation anxiety was always a challenge. She was saved from a short, challenging life and given a long, luxurious one.
She will be missed and always loved.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ellie was a gift in your life but more importantly Sarah was a gift to Ellie who rescued, saved and loved her without limit. Ellie was blessed to be with Sarah in her life and will eternally be grateful for being in the Duffy family.