Monday, September 06, 2010

Turnagain Pass Hike

On our way home from Summit Lake we stopped in Turnagain to stretch our legs and enjoy the day.

It was warm and sunny and the colors were vibrant.

This is a stop we always made with Ellie and Marker. They loved running from marmot hole to marmot hole.
Charlie dug it too.

Maren and Charlie ran off together quite a bit. We could hear Maren laughing in the distance. She'd return from her jaunt with Charlie and say, "I love having a dog."

Sadie enjoyed kicking back in the sun.

We have had Charlie just over a week now. Each day he reveals more of his pesonality. Today we discovered his love of water. He retrieved 50 sticks from the creek today and kept asking for more.

He LOVED the water.
As we hiked away from the creek, he kept running back and standing in the ready position- just one more stick!

Happy day!

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