Trekkers explored the beach today. First we had to figure out how to find the beach, so we headed towards the water.
Trekkers were ready for some serious beach combing. Kids LOVE finding things.
Unfortunately, we found lots of glass and old nails on our beach. We had to talk about how to select and handle items carefully.
We built picture frames to invite the creative process.
I love how inviting the blank slate looks.
Trekkers dug right in!
"Ghost army airplane"
"A volcano that is exploding but the lava dried all up."
Next, it was "the stick project." "Sand finders" to the rescue! We unearthed three rather large logs. It was a fine example of the satisfaction kids find in physical work- digging, hauling, pushing, pulling.
"We could hike all the way to that city!"
Let the climbing begin!
Trekkers discovered how to climb up AND get back down.
So little time and so much to climb!
Maybe it was all the looking for beach treasure, but trekkers were very observant.
"What makes these curves?"
A small stream emptying into the ocean we discovered.
"I found the bottom of a tree!"
"These roots should be in the dirt!"
"I found a bench!"
"Can I sit with you?"