Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Googly Eyes

Last Friday, Maren scored a bag full of googly eyes from a yard sale. It was a perfectly reasonable investment for her, although I laughed to myself at the time. What does one do with hundreds of googly eyes? Well, now I know. Maren snuck inside on a beautifully sunny day only to reappear with these two families of glue-gunned, fabric-layered rocks, complete with googly eyes. She made a family for herself, a family for her sister, rocks for her dad and I, one for her great grandma and two rocks to replicate our neighbors Dick and Jan. And so a new species is born. The girls then asked for pots and soil and seeds and created habitats for these families. 
Next time we come across a bag of feathers or sequins or popsicle sticks at the next sale, I won't laugh. I'll wonder what idea will be born in the mind of such a creative soul.

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