Friday, June 29, 2007

The Imagination of a Four-Year-Old

Maren is reading to her wild Appaloosa, Susie (Susie is the bike you see here in the picture.)
Maren "found" the wild mare at the park, tamed her and went on to win, the blue and the red "ribbons" in the horse races. We loaded her up in the trailer ( Jill's car) and put her shipping bandages on and brought her home. She got real "rowdy" ( new word for Maren) in the driveway and we had a hard time getting her into the paddock (the stoop). Maren tought it would be better to put her in the stall (the porch) so she could calm down. Maren then proceeded to get out two tupperware bowls, fill one with water and put a real carrot in the other one. She thought Susie really needed something to eat. Well, that didn't work. Susie started " buckin' and rearin' like she's loco." So Maren got out the horse breed book to read to her and calm her down. She immediately came back in to put her "barn boots" on because it was "mucky." The reading seems to be working. I can hear her outside now yelling at something named Bullseye. Better go lend a hand and round up another wild mustang. That's life on the ranch for ya.

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